The Boss of All Discord Bot is Here
CTK Bot is a multi-purpose bot ready to skill up and boost up your Discord server Also features auto-moderation, administration, music and much more!

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Easy To Use

There are no complicated command in this bot.if you dont understand any command by mistake type *help , bot will send description and usage of the command.

24/7 Online

CTK BOT hosting is very amzing, it hosted on VPS so it will be on 24/7, There is nothing to worry about hosting in CTK BOT. It have ultimate hosting.

Fully Customizable

You can customize CTK BOT for your server. CTK BOT provides facility to Customize bot for your server.

Bot Commands

Music Commands

CTK BOT have amazing music commands with high sound quality.Some of the music commands are play,pause,resume,skip, etc. Soon we will add more new music commands.


Social Commands

CTK BOT have amazing commands which is related to social. You can connect yourself in discord social world commands like - google, tweet, youtube, facebook etc


Moderator Command

Challenge bot is a bot i made for a challenge to show my firends through discord livstream

Why Choose us?

The most easy-to-use Discord bot! Custom Commands | Moderation | Leveling | Twitch | Youtube | Reddit & more!.

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